SAP Query – What is SAP Query

In this tutorial, you will learn about SAP Query, this tool will allow you to display data from SAP database tables in a report list format.
What is SAP Query?
SAP Query is just like any other query that is using SQL syntax to create reports from one or more database tables. The query output of SAP Query can be displayed in a grid or list format, it can also be displayed on the screen using SAP Graphics, you can also download the report into various file types such as Excel even flat file.
SAP Query consists of 3 main components, which are:
1. User Groups:
User groups is a collection of users that are doing similar tasks, so if you change some queries in a certain user groups then it will be reflected to all users within the user groups.

2. Infoset
This is where you create the main set of data to user as the data source for your queries, in this stage you will be able to choose the table name, the fields you want to display, etc.
3. Queries
This is where you use the infoset and start design your query report list, you can choose which columns you want to display, what parameters you want to show on the screen, change the header title, etc.
Queries have 3 types of reports you can generate:
1. Basic List: This is the standard form of query, it will sort and total all the selected fields specified by the user.
2. Statistical list: You can calculate the totals, averages and also allocated percentages based in the specified fields in the query.
3. Ranked list: This report type is based on numeric fields such as currency and quantity. You can have multiple statistical and ranked list on a single query.

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